Eagle Scout Enhances Xen’s Sensory Trail

Once again, Xenophon was the beneficiary of another hard-working and dedicated Eagle Scout. Robbie Tenant did his Eagle Scout project with us by sprucing up and installing 2 new stations on the sensory trail. Xenophon’s sensory trail is an integral part of the riding lesson program. The trail provides students the opportunity to get outside in nature. It provides the experience of going up and down hill, which uses different muscle groups. Throughout the trail there are interactive stations where the children can stop their horses and play games. A highlight of lessons is a trip around the “magic” tree at the end of the trail.

Robbie organized and supervised a number of other scouts while they spread yards of bark, and re-hung our noodle forest. The most fantastic piece was a new beautifully painted board with different shapes through which the children can stop and throw bean bags. Also to be added is a station with a barn and many doors that can be opened using different types of latches, developing dexterity and fine motor skills. These two new stations will be of huge value to our trail.

Thank you, Robbie, for all your hard work. Our sensory trail is will be the envy of our industry.