Therapeutic Riding

Xenophon offers Therapeutic Riding to children ages 5  to 18 years of age, with any diagnosed disability. Therapeutic Riding uses the multidimensional movement of the horse to positively affect physical, psychological, and behavioral functioning. In Therapeutic Riding, basic horsemanship skills are integrated with specific therapy goals. All of our therapeutic riding instructors are trained and certified through the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship (PATH).

Each student’s 30 minute lesson is customized to meet their individual needs, taking into account each rider’s physical, emotional and mental strengths and limitations. Instructors work with parents, teachers, and therapists to develop individualized goals, and reassessments are performed every 7 weeks. Our instructors work with each student, using the horse to improve flexibility, balance, posture, and muscle strength. In addition, we work on teaching riding skills and sportsmanship through different activities and games.  Cognitive function and speech development are also facilitated through these activities. The interaction with the instructor, volunteers, and other students help the rider learn important lessons about socialization and communication. The bond and partnership that develops between horse and rider develops self-esteem and self-confidence.  The positive lessons learned in the sessions transfers into many other aspects of the rider’s life.

The first step to add your child to our wait list is to complete and mail the following Initial Intake Forms.

Initial Intake Form

Please mail the forms to: Xenophon, Program Director, P.O. Box 16, Orinda, CA 94563

Once Xenophon receives the completed application packet, the student’s name will be entered onto our wait list.

Therapeutic Riding Assesment Fee = $70.00
30 minute Therapeutic Riding Lesson Fee = $70.00

Lessons are paid for in session blocks. Each session is 6-8 weeks long. We require twenty-four hours notice if you will not be present at your lesson. Scholarships are available if needed; for more information please contact the Program Director.