A Huge Thank You to Our Gala Sponsors!

This past Saturday, June 1st, Xenophon had the pleasure of hosting our 31st annual gala – for the first time at our incredible and lovingly constructed center. Xenophon has been at 60 Don Gabriel Way for 26 of our 31 years, and every inch of this space is a testament to our committed community of volunteers, staff, donors, clients and board members. Over the next few days, we will be thanking the devoted teams and individuals who worked tirelessly to make this evening such a meaningful one for us all. To start, we want to recognize our generous sponsors. Many of the names on this list have been dependable and dedicated sponsors year in and year out, making our annual galas such consistent successes! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your unwavering support of this annual event and the fundraising goals its represents!